Tuesday, September 9, 2014

0 Talented Tuesday 9/9/14 (Kickstarter, Earrings and A SUNSET in a Stone)

 Life here seems to just move on!! What does that mean?  Well, day after day I wake up motivated, happy and full of inspiration.....and I go to bed feeling the same way!  I can't tell you how much I love beading and my life!!  With that being said, I sometimes don't see the world with open eyes!  I have had someone who has been in need lately that has reached out to me - but I didn't realize it.  I am really not good with 'hints', I am more the 'hit me over the head' type of person.  So, when I finally sat down and talked to this friend I realized that I had been focused on my passion and missed what was going on around me.  

Ultimately I think the message is - LOOK AROUND.  Don't get so caught up in your own life that you miss the ones around you! 

My Kickstarter Campaign is in full swing.  I love this quote from a successful Kickstarter creator.  It really means everything about the program!! Please click below and PLEDGE at least $1 and then SHARE it with all your friends!! Every $1 really does make the difference!


Yesterday I start working on this beautiful stone.  Today I will be trying to finish up the back - and then move on to the front.  Please come on over to my Fan Page, Google+ Page, or my Instagram Page; I post 'working photos' throughout the day!

Just look at these 2 new pairs of earrings I have listed today!  Remember, I can make these in team colors, colors to match your outfit or just some special color; if you would like!!



Today I would like to leave you with this thought;

Nothing is so strong as gentleness.  Nothing is so gentle as real strength.


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