Monday, September 8, 2014

0 Making Monday 9/8/14 (Monster, New Listings and The Next Step for Krafty Max)

Is it really Monday?  YEP, it sure is!! This past weekend was raining and peaceful!  As a reward for some great things my son has done lately we did a trip to Chuck E. Cheese.  Yes, he is still of the age to LOVE that place!! So, while I sat and beaded (I do get some looks) my son ran around and PLAYED!! He had a BLAST!!  Then, before he took his tickets to feed into the machine he presented me with this photo....

....he is such a wonderful boy!! 

Did you or your kids do anything this past weekend that was 'amazing'???

I have several things to show off to you!! First, let me show you today's newest listing.

And then, I'll show you the bracelet I finished over the weekend!! This one is just so cute!!

And here is the 'making of' video if you would like to watch!! 

So, what always happens when I finish one creation??  I get to start another one! I think I am going to stick to the 'fall' here are the new colors and stones!  Please come on over to my Fan Page or Google+ page, I post 'working photos' throughout the day!

I was lucky enough to have a few more backers over the last few days....but there is still time!  Literally every $1 could mean the difference!  So please, pledge if you can and pass it along is you would!! 

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Today I would like to leave you with this thought;

In mothering, if you do it right, you work yourself out of a job! ~Karen Tyler


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