Wednesday, September 10, 2014

4 What's New Wednesday 9/10/14 (a Fish, a Beautiful Stone and a Kickstarter Campaign)

Today as I get ready to bead - once the kids and hubby are out of the house - I am finding myself very THANKFUL! There are so many ways that I am blessed in my life!  I have wonderful kids, a loving and VERY supportive hubby, friends, family and a life that makes me love life!!  I am THANKFUL to my Mom and Grandma for supporting my passion with more beads and supplies.  I am THANKFUL for my hands and eyes that are still in good enough condition to be able to continue to bead.  And I am THANKFUL for the quiet of school days!! ;)

What are YOU thankful for???

These aren't new listings, but they are both wonderful one's!!  Remember that you can click on the photos to go see them or to purchase them!

Have you been watching?? This one is turning out AMAZING!!! I just love the colors of this stone!! Yesterday one of my followers said it looks like a Maple leave in the middle of changing in Canada for the season....I really like that!! Please come on over to my Fan Page, Google+ Page, or my Instagram Page; I post 'working photos' throughout the day!

Have you pledged yet?  It only takes $1 to make the difference!! 

<iframe frameborder="0" height="320" scrolling="no" src="" width="220"></iframe>

Today I would like to leave you with this thought;

Giving to people just makes you a better person!

******* Leave me a comment TODAY with your email in it and I'll send you a $5 Certificate to my Krafty Max Originals Studio  !!! ~KM ******


  1. I'm thankful for my husband and the good life he gives us, and that I don't have to work (at least not right now) so that I can indulge in my crafting and photography passions!!!

    1. :) Thank you for your comments and support!! Your Certificate has been sent!! :) ~KM

  2. I am thankful for my family and that everyday I wake up to a new day full of hope and new experiences with friends and family!! I love the piece you are working on and the description that one of your other fans posted about it- absolutely awesome!! Thank you for sharing your passion with all of us and being an inspiration- I know I have said that before but I do really mean it- brightens my day as well as giving me hope for my own dreams of doing jewelry and selling and maybe even teaching one day����

    1. Thank you! Your words, support and energy help me stay inspired!!! With the creations I have seen of are WELL on your way!!

      Your certificate has been sent! ~KM


Thank you so much for reading my post and leaving a comment. THANK YOU and enjoy!! ~KM

Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.

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