Today is one of those days when I hope to get EVERYTHING on my list done....we'll see! I am going to be working on my pumpkin and bird bracelet, trying to finish my first real tutorial video and also doing a mini photo shoot of my newest creations!! I HOPE! No matter what happens I will have beads in my hands and therefor I will be happy!!
Are you doing anything creative today? Anything that makes you smile? Let me know!!
There are only a few days left, but I still would love to have you Pledge at least a $1 to my Kickstarter Campaign. I will be using the money to help take THE NEXT STEP with my marketing and working on having a professional help with the tutorials!! And please, PASS it along!!
Have you been watching this bracelet grow? Well, there is still more to see!! You can come on over to my Fan Page, Google+ Page, or my Instagram Page; I post 'working photos' throughout the day!
I am showing off several creations that are in my studio right now....just look at the difference of designs and colors!! Remember, I do A LOT of custom orders, so let me design something for you!!
Today, I have the pleasure to introduce Ms. Kimmie the owner and designer of Kimmie's Clay Kreations. When I asked to interview her for my featured Artist section she happily said yes. One of the comments she posted was just to good to not include, so here, in her own words, is how she looks at her creations!!
When I was a child I used to love to create characters with Play-doh and color and draw with crayons. I had a huge stack of coloring books that would keep me busy for hours. My 3 children and I loved playing with Play-doh and coloring and drawing together. Now I use Polymer Clay instead of Play-doh and draw and color with Prismacolor colored pencils instead of crayons. My creativity and imagination is endless.
And boy, does she design!! I have to tell you that what first drew me to her creations was the dragons, but.....the more I look the more I find that I want!! They are cute, creative and VERY personal!! And YES, if you look close there are several of them that have glow in the dark clay in them.
LIKE her page, follow her and come back tomorrow and learn more about her!!
Today I would like to leave you with this thought;
It is only possible to live happily ever after on a day-to-day basis! ~Margaret Bonnano
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