Thursday, May 24, 2012

4 Tantrum Thusday 5/24/12

I am sure that I could think of a good Tantrum for today, but I just cant seem to get in the mood for it.  I have been working on a big project that just 'doesn't love me' lately and I have actually reached a point where I am setting it aside.  I have tried and tried, but it just wont come to me.  So, it has been replaced with another project - just as hard.... oh well!?! :)  

One of the things I try to do is list something new everyday, but this week I have been very behind (means I have been trying to bead more) than I usually am.  But, I thought I would ask if everyone has seen my DESTASH studio.  Many don't know that I even have it!  Here is just a few items I have:

So, for today I will make it short, I want to get working on my project....

If you're going to be able to look back on something and laugh about it, you might as well laugh about it now!

- Marie Osmond


  1. i know the feeling marci recently had to put aside an artwork 3 times, it was pretty exhausting but started on something different helps to try something new, get back to your projects when it's ready for you :) your new stuff is beautiful xoxo

    1. Thank you, as bad as this is.... it is nice to know that everyone else has 'bad moments' too!! :)

  2. Hey, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger right? Even when it comes to beading projects :)

    I'm sure you'll get them both done and they'll be incredible as always!

    1. Thank you, your support of me is always AMAZING!! Thank you!


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