Wednesday, November 30, 2011

0 Wonderful Wednesday 11/30/11

I have to say that almost everyday is WONDERFUL lately!  I am not sure where I have found all this positive energy, but I am not going to look to might disappear!! 

I wanted to share the other gift that was given over the holiday by my dear friend AmbersArtAlley.  This is one of her original paintings.  She knows how much I love the song and message of 'Three Wooden Crosses'.  I am always amazed at her talent.  How can simply putting 3 crosses up on a hill make you feel like you are really watching a sunset and that you are 'in the moment'?  I love her work.  The designs are simple, but the detail and depth of the feeling in the painting is amazing. 


For today I would like to spotlight another one of my 'older' pieces.  This Red and Green Necklace set.  It would be great for a Christmas Party!


Instead of a featured crafter/artist, I am going to feature a wonderful set of ladies.  They are the Reading with Bakin' Goddess.  I have had the privilege of getting to know them over the past couple of weeks and let me tell you, THEY ARE FUN!  I am so very flattered to be working with them over the next couple of weeks.  They are going to feature me on their blog... I can't wait!! 

PLEASE, if you aren't already a follower, go follow their blog.  A quick warning, it does contain some adult content, but MOST of you will have not problem with what they talk about! 

bakin goddesses 

No hops for today.

Remember that when it gets cold out side it is the perfect time to 'snuggle' with your loved ones!! ~KM

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

0 Terrific Tuesday 11/29/11

Well, good morning everyone!  How are you today?  I am STILL trying to recover from the wonderful holiday we had!  I thought I'd show you a few more things from over the weekend.  First, this throw that I just finished.  I found out that Amber just loved the colors.  So, when I finished the last 'touch up' I handed it to her and said Merry Christmas!  She already has a couple of my crocheted blankets and she just loves them!!  This one was simple Granny Square stitch in a row!

Then there are these wonderful Piggy Banks that she made for my kids!  They are just sooooo cute!!  

Aye's is purple, teal and black and it has PEACE signs all over it!! Monster's is black and white with skulls and crossbones - it also has a pirate patch over one eye!!  I think these are so wonderful!!  Thank you Amber for your visit, friendship and love!

Oh, I almost forgot, here is the doggies in our lives having fun over the weekend too!  The larger Rat Terrier is ours - Ziggy and the smaller pup is theirs - Precious.  My dog only plays with HER!! 


Today I want to show off a set that I listed about 2 months ago.  I just love this set and can't believe it hasn't sold yet!!  It is listed at only $37.00 and has GOLD plated findings.  Please go check it out!


I thought I would show off a wonderful collection of artist today, instead of just one.  Please check out ALL of these studios, they ALL have wonderful creations.


Here is my hop for today!


And for today I would like to remind everyone to use LOTS of TAPE on those packages.... we don't want any 'peaking'!!  ~KM

Monday, November 28, 2011

0 Marvelous Monday 11/27/11

What an amazing holiday! We had some of the best family time!  I made about 80 mini loaves of Banana Nut Bread to share with our family and friends on Wednesday, and other than being VERY messy it was so much fun!

 On Thanksgiving we went over to my sister-in-law's mothers home for a wonderfully cooked dinner and some great company!  Everything was great!!

Then on Friday I did my traditional FRIENDS Thanksgiving.  I love to cook fro my dear friends who either don't have family or time to cook.  Here is only a couple of the things that were cooked....

And then it was time to clean up, relax and enjoy our time with our family and friends!

The rest of the weekend was spent relaxing and beading!!  I finished my Autism piece, I think it turned out wonderful.  Here is the listing - and as a side note  - $50.00 of the purchase price will be donated in the purchasers name to Autism Speaks.

If you would like to watch this slide show it will take you through the WHOLE beading process.

I decided to do a blog hop today, please come join me!!

Starting tomorrow I will go back to my regular posts - hopefully!  I have so many things to catch up with!  Please take care of your families, friends and your pets during this holiday season!! ~KM

7 Versatile Blogger Award 11/27/11

I am so very honored to be awarded the Versatile Blogger Award by Coach House Crafting on a Budget

This award is given by bloggers, to bloggers.  For me that makes the award very meaningful.  I was given two tasks when this award was handed down.  The first, the tell all my followers 7 things that they may NOT already know about me.  The second, to pass it out to 15 deserving bloggers.  So, here we go!

7 things you may NOT know about me:

1.  I grew up in a little 'tiny' town in the foothills of Northern California.

2.  I served in the military (Navy) for 4 years in Puerto Rico.

3.  I drove across the country - from Florida to California - with my two kids for the summer (a few years ago)

4.  I do LOTS of other arts and crafts beside beading: scrap booking and card making,cross stitch, crochet, knitting, plastic canvass, flower arrangements, origami, photography, fiber weaving, quilting, sewing, kids crafts, and even macrame.

5. All my kids are born on the 17th of the month!!! January, March and December.

7.  My first car was a '68 Volkswagen Bug - and I loved it!!

Now to the other part of my task - to choose 15 blogs/bloggers that are worthy of this award.  This might be harder, because I have SO many bloggers that I just love to read!  

And now to go tell all these wonderful bloggers that they are receiving this award.... have fun and enjoy reading these great blogs!  ~KM

Thursday, November 24, 2011

5 Happy Thanksgiving 11/24/11

Happy Thanksgiving to you and all.  I hope that your day is spent with family and friends and LOTS of food.  We ALL have things to be thankful for on this day - for me, it is all of you! ~KM

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

4 Wonderful Wednesday 11/23/11

Oh my, what a wonderful day this is!  My kids are off - until Tuesday of next week - and I have so much planned!!  I can't wait for the day to begin!!  I have several 'projects' that the kids are going to help me with over the next few days.  My daughter, Aye, has asked if she can help with the cooking of EVERYTHING!!  She has always shown interest in cooking and learning how to cook, but it is usually VERY much in passing.  I think this time it is a full fledged idea!  Well, she will be 12 soon!

I was surprised yesterday by a knock at the door and this beautiful centerpiece!

Don't I have a WONDERFUL hubby?  He ordered this (I found out) about a week and a half ago!  He is WONDERFUL!


Here are the most recent photos from my current creation!

Row 73

Row 79

Row 85

Row 90

* Currently 29h24m invested in beading (1h37m in design of pattern)

I am joining in with the Black Friday and Cyber Monday FUN over at ArtFire.  Here is what I am offering (mine has already started).
Free Shipping  of any of my Krafty Max Original items from my studio
and also any books, kits or magazines in my DESTASH studio!
to the US and Canada between 
11/21/11-11/29/11 ENJOY!! ~KM
Don't forget to leave your blog under the 'favorites' tab at the top for ALL to see!!  I'll be starting Fan Page links and Twitter links soon!
Remember that sharing the work is 1/2 the fun!  Just think of how much time you will have with your loved ones in/around the kitchen over the next few days - you may even find out something new about them!  ~KM

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

4 Terrific Tuesday 11/22/11

I slept in this morning - it was good and bad all at the same time!  Good, because I was able to sleep in and bad, because I was SO far behind on everything today.  I have my morning routine and I really don't do well without it!  So today's post will be short and to the point!!  I have laundry, dishes, cleaning and maybe some beading to do today, so I had better get to it!!


Here are the rows I got done yesterday - on my newest creations....

 Row 50

 Row 55

 Row 60

Row 67

* Currently 25h52m invested in beading (1h37m in design of pattern)


I am joining in with the Black Friday and Cyber Monday FUN over at ArtFire.  Here is what I am offering (mine has already started).
Free Shipping 
to the US and Canada between 
11/21/11-11/29/11 ENJOY!! ~KM

I found this map and thought it was just to cool not to show you.  Here is the 60% of the US that I have been in.  Ironically the one state that I have always wanted to see - MAINE - is NOT one of the states I have been in YET!

visited 30 states (60%)


For today I would like everyone to take a moment and just breath - yes, just breath! ~KM

Monday, November 21, 2011

2 Marvelous Monday 11/21/11

Here it is, Monday again!  How does this keep happening?  Hubby had a FULL National Guard weekend, and so did we.  Friday and Saturday was spent selling homemade chili and sandwiches to our unit and others.  I so enjoyed myself!  It had been a while since I had been out to the unit and it was good to see old friends and meet new soldiers.  The military is an ALWAYS changing system.  That is one thing you learn very early on - if you 'click' with someone, don't waste time....they may be activated or change duty stations before you know it!

I also did some beading... some.  I have been taking photos of my latest project about every 4-6 rows, I thought it would be fun to watch the progress.  Here it is, from the color choice of beads and row 8 up to row 46. Each row is 48 beads long and I have used 11o Delica beads (11o means that there are approx. 11 per inch).  What do you think?


I am joining in with the Black Friday and Cyber Monday FUN over at ArtFire.  Here is what I am offering (mine has already started).
Free Shipping 
to the US and Canada between 
11/21/11-11/29/11 ENJOY!! ~KM
Today's featured shop is MaryFosterCreative.  I just love her photos.  When I read that most of her photos are out of her own garden, that just made it better.  Can you imagine how wonderful it would be to have all these beauties in your yard?  Please go visit this amazing gardener - and photographer - and remember to support your local and handmade artists.
 And for any of you that are interested in OUR movement here it is...
This is one of the BEST message I have found!! 
My thought for today - remember that this is the season of family and friends - don't just 'think' about them, reach out to them!  ~KM

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers
Designed By: Wacky Jacqui's Designs