Tuesday, December 7, 2010

1 Tuesday News-Day

A little bird told me that many of you do not know how to find out who is following you and who you are following on Twitter.  Here is the site that I use Your Twitter Karma.  I use this site about once or twice a month to find out if there are people following me that I missed.  First you have to Allow Access (you have to do this EACH time you use this site) and then you WHACK!.  Once it comes up with your followers and people you follow, you can pick and choose who to follow, block or unfollow.  It is a great way to keep track of your Twitter numbers.    

To some of you the number of followers may not really interest you.  I, however, find that my total views for my sites (all of them) goes up when I use twitter.  When I list a new item and I want to get the NEWS out there I usually post a few twitters over that day and many more over the next few days.  My numbers usually go from 5-10 views (with no tweets) to 200+ (with tweets).  

One main advantage of Twitter is that all of your tweets (unless you are marking them as private) go on a MAIN TWITTER time line.  ANYONE can see your NEWS....if they follow you or not.  This really makes it a number game.  If I have 700+ followers than those followers will see my NEWS, but another 2-3,000+ might also see it on the main time line!  Yes, there is a chance that no on is watching at that moment and it is lost without any views, but if you post several throughout the day....well..... chances are you'll get several hundred views though out that day.

See, a little bird told me.....  that if you work Twitter with your newest NEWS, it will work for you!  

This little bird card was made by Cucumberhues.  She is a full time teacher who makes jewelry and these lovely cards as a passion.  Please check out her BIO, her STUDIO and let her know where you found out about her.

Spread your NEWS today and remember, TOOT your own horn....no one will TOOT it for you!! ~KM

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the explanation. That is very interesting. I'll try to use Twitter more!


Thank you so much for reading my post and leaving a comment. THANK YOU and enjoy!! ~KM

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