Is it really only a week until Christmas? OK, how am I going to get everything done?
am not sure how I'll find the time to get it all done, but I always seem to!! There is a weekend coming up - and I can get help....yep, that will work!! How are you doing on your gifts? Your decorations?? Will you be ready??
The winner has been announced, Congrats to Tee K.
Have you seen the new bracelet I am working on?? You can come over to my Fan Page, Google+ Page, or my Instagram Page were I post 'working' photos throughout the day!!
If you haven't seen the 2014 Gift Guide, now is the time!! You can find
some of the most amazing handmade artists in this guide you have ever
seen!!! And they will be happy to help you with Christmas, after
Christmas, Valentines, Mothers Day.......orders!! :)
I am proud to announce that I am part of this amazing group of artists that are doing a ACEO Swap and also a bunch of give-a-ways!!! Check out the give-a-way page - comment, like and share - all the art creations you would like to win and then go look at the SWAP page and just be amazed at the talent there!!
Don't forget, the 30% off sale is only through the will be ending soon!!
Today I would like to leave you with this thought;
We are not what we know but what we are willing to learn.
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