Monday, January 31, 2011

5 Marvelous Monday

What a few days we have had!  On Thursday it was my Hubby's actual birthday, and I spent it shopping!!  I had so many things to look for, a little something for this project, a little something for that project, and just something little to start a new project!  So between all the shopping and then a but of beading the day was done!  I made homemade tacos (with all the trappings) for hubby for this 'birthday dinner' and then there was cheese cake for dessert!! 

Then hubby took Friday off so that we could go out to the movies and a late lunch - JUST THE ADULTS!!!  What a wonderful couple of days!  With a family dinner at the local buffet and lots of presents, Hubby says that over all his 41st Birthday was wonderful!!!!

I also have been beading like crazy!!  I have so many new things to list this week!  I also have an update on my Celtic Art piece.... should I make you look at the Fan Page for the update??  No, I'll show you!  Here is up to row 100...... over 1/2 way done with the basic beading!! 

So, what do you think???

OK, now to a featured artist.... it has to be a MARVELOUS one!!!  Oh, it is!! 

bbrunophotography has some beautiful photography work in their studio.  There are many that are bright and light, but for this season I like this one the best!  I love that their under the comments for the studio it says "  I only carry prints that I'm proud to hang in my own home.".  How perfect!!  Please go check out the studio and remember where you found out about them!!  Here is her Etsy site - - she has MANY more item there, and they are updated almost daily!!

Today you should try to do something MARVELOUS for someone else, it will someday come back to you!  ~KM


  1. My hubby turned 44 on the 27th, too.

    You have such an amazing talent for beading! I'm sooo envious!

    I have picked up cross stitching, again, to take a break from sewing. So, I can appreciate the fine hand work that's involved in your beadwork.

    Thanks for sharing the featured shop, too! A great find!!!

  2. Amazing how much we have in common!! My hubby, 41! So close! Thank you so very much for the compliments... they mean a lot! I also cross stitch, but haven't found the time to do much lately! Aye carries your purse everyday, it has quickly become her favorite!! ~KM

  3. Happy birthday to the hubby and I have to tell you my dear... that is an AWESOME piece of artwork you are working on. I love celtic knotwork, and this adds an angular twist... very cool!

    Hope you have a terrific week!

  4. Thank you so very much!!!!! Thank you! ~KM

  5. Happy belated birthday to your husband.

    Your challenge project is coming along nicely, Marci!

    I wish you a wonderful and productive week :-)


Thank you so much for reading my post and leaving a comment. THANK YOU and enjoy!! ~KM

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