As many of you know I didn't do any posts this weekend. I actually took the weekend OFF! I only turned on my computer for a little bit on Saturday, then it was off the rest of the time! Ya hoooooo!
I got to spent a bunch of time with my hubby and kids and we didn't do much, but it was just perfect!!!! I did get a bunch of beading done (I'll do a photo shoot later this morning) and I have also been working on a couple of 'other' new ideas...
we will see how/if they turn out.
When I checked in this morning - I found out that I was also in a treasury!?! WOW! I just can't believe how many of these I am in and how it still makes me feel 'giddy' to see that I am in one! I have been included in several of Marina Levy's treasuries as she makes her way through the rainbow with some beautiful bead work!
Please make sure you click, comment and heart these wonderful artists....maybe this one will 'grace' the front page!
So, as I say goodby this morning (no, there will not be another featured artist today) I must tell you all that although the weekend was wonderful, pure family and very enjoyable, I am back this morning with renewed energy and promise for my artwork to 'explode' out there on the world.
I nominated your Blog for the Sunshine Blog Award. Please visit my Blog to see the nomination: