Friday, September 11, 2009

1 Frantic Friday

This Frantic Friday is like no other, it is September 11, 2009.

Eight years after we were attached by terrorist on our own soil.
Please take a moment is silence at some time today to think of all those innocent people who lost their lives and all the rescuers, friends and families that still deal with their own demons - caused by other demons!

Below are some photos to remind us of some of the good that came of this day.....our national commitment to protect and stand by each other against all evils. Believe in US (United States of America) and yourself. ~KM

1 comment:

  1. Lest we NEVER forget! Thanks for the memorial! I can't believe it's been 8 years already because the memories seem so vivid at the images of that day.

    I go visit the 911 Memorial Prayer Garden in one of our local parks often and sit and ponder and contemplate the lost lives and tireless efforts of the heros who have come to their aid.

    God Bless America!


Thank you so much for reading my post and leaving a comment. THANK YOU and enjoy!! ~KM

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